Getting Ready for a Healthy Fall Season
Posted by Pam Mangus on
As the hot August nights turn into the waning days of summer, now is the time to think about your health as we enter the fall season. First line of defense is always great nutrition, filled with lots of organic fruits and vegetables, along with a good night's sleep and plenty of filtered water. Some experts say either distilled or reverse osmosis water is the best for your body. Avoidance of alcohol, and an overabundance of coffee is also import part of decreasing the amount of toxin exposure. Another key line of defense is movement or exercise. Getting at least...
Happy 4th of July!- WavWatch Testimonial
Posted by Pam Mangus on
Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate our independence, I am joyful in celebrating not only our country's freedom, but also freedom from pain! The WavWatch is truly a remarkable breakthrough! After using the WavWatch for 1 night, and playing a variety of frequencies, I woke up free of pain for the first time in years! I've heard the testimonials, so I just had to test on myself, and I was pleasantly surprised at the results, and to validate the other testimonials on this product. There is definitely something to frequency healing. The WavWatch is based on Tesla and Rife...
Magnesium Supplementation
Posted by Pam Mangus on
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals that is needed for muscle, nerves, bones and to help regulate blood sugar. The majority of people are magnesium deficient due to poor eating habits, plus a food supply devoid of minerals and nutrients. Many underlying health issues can be directly tied to low levels of magnesium, so this is one supplement that gives a big "bang for the buck", since it is involved in so many bodily processes. Unless you have kidney dysfunction, adding daily magnesium supplementation is one of the most important supplements that can be taken daily to help...
Happy New Year 2024 to a Year of GREAT Health!
Posted by Pam Mangus on
Happy New Year! As we begin a new year it is important to reflect on the past year and look at where we can make improvements in our health for 2024. Well...look no farther! At Freedom Health Shop we are proud to partner with WavWatch- a new health modality that is starting to make headway in the health arena. It has been known for decades, the importance of frequencies on our bodies and overall health. There are many studies from the 1940's and 1950's that explored this health modality and its impact on our well being. Bottom line, we are...
Wellness Items for Fall
Posted by Pam Mangus on
At Freedom Health Shop we are committed to giving great service at a great price. One way to accomplish this is to have access to Fullscript, where I can order supplements for my patient's needs. Fullscript carries many different reputable manufactures, free of gluten, soy, dairy. We will continue to carry other items that are not available through Fullscript, like our Physicin's Strength formulas and peptide creams. Thank you for checking out our site, and if you are interested in products that we don't carry, just drop us a line at and we can check to see if it...