Who We Are
Welcome to Freedom Health Shop!
Here at Freedom Health Shop we believe and respect FREEDOM of health care choice. Our health is a most precious commodity. It is our responsibility to take care of our health through proper diet, exercise, and supplementation for optimum functioning. Just like putting oil in a car to keep it running, our body requires supplementation with certain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep it functioning properly.
As a practicing pharmacist, both in the community and institutional setting for over 25 years, I became keenly aware of the importance of vitamin and mineral supplementation to overall health. Often times with prescription medication, we find a need to supplement with another drug or nutrient to combat the side effects of the prescribed medication. Certain medications can deplete the body of vital vitamins or minerals, which can cause medical issues to arise from depletion of these nutrients. By understanding how our body functions, we begin to see that these vitamin and minerals are a key element in keeping our bodies working at optimum performance. When these vitamins and minerals are depleted, our bodies slow down, our organs and detoxification processes slow down and we find that we do not “feel good”, yet we don’t know why. Prevention is the key to overall health freedom.
My own journey into supplementation began 15 years ago, and it was only after having my vitamins and mineral levels tested and fixing my gut issues, that was I finally freed to begin the healing process. Our body is an incredible machine, and if we take care of its needs, it will take care of us and provide us with lives filled with more energy, less aches and pains, less brain fog, better sleep and a whole host of other benefits.
At Freedom Health Shop, our goal is to help you have access to some of the highest quality and pure supplements on the market, at a reasonable price. Our commitment is to YOUR freedom of choice as it relates to your health. YOU are in the driver’s seat of your health. Your personal choices affect your overall health and immune function.
At Freedom Health Shop, we are committed to your Freedom and we are honored to be a part of your journey to personal choice in your health. Feel free to submit your product questions or concerns, topics of interest, testimonials, or if you are interested in some of our specialized product lines to: info@freedomhealthshop.com
We are continuing to add articles, journal articles and videos where you can learn and educate yourself on different health topics and/or product lines in your search for better health. Knowledge is key to understanding what may or may not work for you.
Visit our Affiliate Partners where we continue to bring cutting edge technology healthcare items to help our bodies heal.
- Visit Synergy Science for Hydrogen Water home and travel products, Infrared Saunas, and EMF Protection for your home or travel.
- Visit Fix the World Morocco for lots of EMF protection for your home, yard, or for personal protection devices.
- Visit Tesla Biohealer for Telsa technology which is being used to help heal our bodies in amazing ways. Our bodies are a big electrical circuit, so this is an incredible device bringing healing in an innovative, new way!
- Visit Metagenics to see their full line of products. By clinking on their logo you'll see their library of products. When you go to purchase, just create a FREE account.
- Visit Enviromedica to see their amazing magnetic clay bath items for detoxification, magnesium sprays and a whole host of other supplements for better health.
- Visit our Standard Process link and checkout their product line. You will need to create a profile and will need to contact us at info@freedomhealthshop.com for checkout.
We also have access to Fullscript, so we can order supplements for you through their catalog of items. Just contact us at info@freedomhealthshop.com, and we are willing to discuss your healthcare needs.
Recently we added Spazzaz bath products that can be used in the bath or in the spa. Using these bath products are a great addition to your overall health regime! We love supporting small businesses and we hope you will too!
Please submit your testimonials to us at info@freedomhealthshop.com and we will post your review (first names only!), so that others can see what has helped you!
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of YOUR journey!