Welcome to the FHS Blog!
Posted by Pam Mangus on
Welcome to our Freedom Health Shop Blog!
As we enter the Fall 2022 season, at Freedom Heath Shop, we are researching topics to bring to our audience regarding health, nutrition, sleep, exercise and supplementation. We believe that education is key to understanding your own health. Nobody knows your own body better than you! As a result, it is important to educate yourself about how the body works, and what you need to do to keep it healthy. There is no "rubber stamp" approach for everyone, as each person has their own unique circumstances and genes that drive their homeostasis mechanisms. As you follow our blog, you will get an education on biochemistry and physiology to help understand the wonderfully complex nature of your body systems.
At Freedom Health Shop we will be periodically posting blogs and videos in the upcoming months to help you educate yourself on a variety of topics.Our goal is to help your body run naturally, giving it the right fuel to run your body efficiently. Many bodily ills are from vitamin and nutrient deficiency, so why not learn about what your body needs to help you heal naturally, without any harsh chemicals to override your system. Let's learn together how to work with our body systems to give it what it needs to function properly. Along the way, we will explore new novel therapies that will be a springboard for you on your healthcare journey. No two bodies are alike!
Feel free to pass along our blog to family and friends- Knowledge is power! If you have any questions or would like information on specific topics, just drop us a line at info@freedomhealthshop.com, with your healthcare requests, or if you have any questions on the products that we carry.
We look forward to our journey together!